New receive antenna switching system.

Software runs as a server / clients topology.  Written in C++ using the Qt framework.  Server software handles CAT (8 radios), data communication with hardware switches, switching logic, updating client displays (Websocket/JSON), and includes a CRON facility for setting up recurring events (switch radio X to antenna Y at a specific time).

Features: scanning (with user defined delay and per-antenna flag), tracking (radio X follows radio Y direction), Lock, zoomable equidistant azimuthal map background centered on user’s QTH (generated on the fly via rectangular projection) with realtime day/night shading (updated every 5 minutes)…

Hardware switches are a complete re-design loosely based on the original switches.  8 antennas available to 4 radios.  Switchboards can be stacked for addition antennas or used as a router, ie. 2 inputs selectable for each radio.  Amtel AVR microprocessor programmed in AVR C.  Common mode choking built-in at each port, transcient / lightning protection on all ports (including power and data lines).

More details in a future post…